IA Laurent Freyd
July 12–25, 2025
Main stage of the Concert Hall, Biel Congress Center.
Tournament type
A. Qualification phase:
- Classical: round robin (first leg)
- Rapid: round robin (reversed colours relative to classical game)
- Blitz: double round robin
B. Final phase: return match in classical time control with the first four players (only the first three if the 4th is more than 12 points behind the first) at the end of qualification phase. Players conserve points acquired during the qualification phase.
Pairings number
During the Opening Ceremony, a drawing of lots will determine the pairings for the ACCENTUS Chess960 and for the blitz games. Starting numbers for the classic will be chosen by the players in the order of the standings of Accentus Chess960. The resulting pairings with reversed colours will be used for the rapid games.
Time control
Classical: 120 minutes for the first 40 moves + 30 minutes for the rest of the game + 30 seconds increment as of move 41.
Rapid: 15 minutes + 5 seconds increment per move.
Blitz: 3 minutes + 2 seconds increment per move.
July 12, 10.30 am: Technical meeting
July 12, 11.30 am: Opening Ceremony | |
July 13, 2 pm: Rapid
July 14: Rest day
July 15–19, 2 pm: Classical (round robin)
July 20, 2 pm: Blitz
July 21: Rest Day
July 22–24, 2 pm: Final phase: Classical rd 6–8
July 25, 10.30 am: Closing Ceremony
Out of respect for the opponent, the photographers and the sponsors, the players are expected to appear in time before the game start.
CHF 10'000/7'500/5'000/3'000/2'000/1'000.
Total prize fund: CHF 28'500.
Scores and tie-breaks
Classical: 4 points for a win; 1½ point for a draw; 0 point for a loss.
Rapid: 2 points for a win; 1 point for a draw; 0 point for a loss.
Blitz: 1 point for a win; ½ point for a draw; 0 point for a loss.
Final standings will be established according to the number of points scored, cumulating the three series (classical+rapid+blitz).
In case of a tie, the ranking in the ACCENTUS Chess960 decides upon the final ranking of the Triathlon and the corresponding prizes.
Each series is rated for the related FIDE rating (Standard, Rapid, Blitz).
Tournament's results are counting for the FIDE Circuit 2025 (to be confirmed). | |
Laws of chess
Any player arriving at the board more than 10 minutes after the start of the round (resp. 5 minutes in rapid and 2 minutes in blitz) will lose by forfeit, except in cases of force majeure.
Draw offers aren't allowed before move 41 in the Classical tournament.
Players aren't allowed to carry or use any electronic devices during their games.
They are advised to enter the playing hall without such devices or otherwise to deposit these at the arbiter's desk.
According to the anti-cheating guidelines of the FIDE, there is a suitable detector available in the tournament hall.
Declaration of consent
With your participation you agree that photographic material may be recorded and used.
IA Laurent Freyd
July 12–25, 2025
Main stage of the Concert Hall, Biel Congress Center.
Tournament type
A. Qualification phase:
- Classical: round robin (first leg)
- Rapid: round robin (reversed colours relative to classical game)
- Blitz: double round-robin
B. Final phase: return match in classical time control with the first four players (only the first three if the 4th is more than 12 points behind the first) at the end of qualification phase. Players conserve points acquired during the qualification phase.
Pairings number
During the Opening Ceremony, a drawing of lots will determine the pairings for the ACCENTUS Chess960 and for the blitz games. Starting numbers for the classic will be chosen by the players in the order of the standings of Accentus Chess960. The resulting pairings with reversed colours will be used for the rapid games.
Time control
Classical: 120 minutes for the first 40 moves + 30 minutes for the rest of the game + 30 seconds increment as of move 41.
Rapid: 15 minutes + 5 seconds increment per move.
Blitz: 3 minutes + 2 seconds increment per move.
July 12, 10.30 am: Technical meeting
July 12, 11.30 am: Opening Ceremony | |
July 13, 1 pm: Rapid
July 14: Rest day
July 15–19, 2 pm: Classical (round robin)
July 20, 2 pm: Blitz
July 21: Rest Day
July 22–24, 2 pm: Finale phase: Classical rd 6-8
July 25, 10.30 am: Closing Ceremony
Out of respect for the opponent, the photographers and the sponsors, the players are expected to appear in time before the game start.
CHF 5'000/3'500/2'500/1'500/1'000/500.
Total prize fund: CHF 14'000.
Scores and tie-breaks
Classical: 4 points for a win; 1½ point for a draw; 0 point for a loss.
Rapid: 2 points for a win; 1 point for a draw; 0 point for a loss.
Blitz: 1 point for a win; ½ point for a draw; 0 point for a loss.
Final standings will be established according to the number of points scored, cumulating the three series (classical+rapid+blitz).
In case of a tie, the ranking in the ACCENTUS Chess960 decides upon the final ranking of the Triathlon and the corresponding prizes.
Each series is rated for the related FIDE rating (Standard, Rapid, Blitz).
Tournament's results are counting for the FIDE Circuit 2025. | |
Laws of chess
Any player arriving at the board more than 10 minutes after the start of the round (resp. 5 minutes in rapid and 2 minutes in blitz) will lose by forfeit, except in cases of force majeure.
Draw offers aren't allowed before move 41 in the Classical tournament.
Players aren't allowed to carry or use any electronic devices during their games.
They are advised to enter the playing hall without such devices or otherwise to deposit these at the arbiter's desk.
According to the anti-cheating guidelines of the FIDE, there is a suitable detector available in the tournament hall.
Declaration of consent
With your participation you agree that photographic material may be recorded and used.
IA Laurent Freyd
Saturday, July 12, 2025
Main stage of the Concert Hall, Biel Congress Center.
Tournament type
Round robin (5 rounds) + 2 rounds.
Chess960: The starting position will be drawn before each round.
Time control
15 minutes + 5 seconds increment per move.
2 pm – 7.30 pm.
Out of respect for the opponent, the photographers and the sponsors, the players are expected to appear in time before the game start.
The final ranking of this tournament is used as a tie break in case of equality of points in the Grandmaster Triathlons.
The following tie break will be used to establish the final standings:
1. Direct encounter
2. Number of wins with Black
3. Number of wins
4. Age (from older to younger)
Laws of chess
Any player arriving at the board more than.5 minutes after the start of the round round will lose by forfeit, except in cases of force majeure.
Players aren't allowed to carry or use any electronic devices during their games.
They are advised to enter the playing hall without such devices or otherwise to deposit these at the arbiter's desk.
According to the anti-cheating guidelines of the FIDE, there is a suitable detector available in the tournament hall.
Declaration of consent
With your participation you agree that photographic material may be recorded and used.
Main Arbiter
IA Ana Srebrnič
July 14–24, 2025
Concert Hall, Biel Congress Center.
Smoking is strictly prohibited within the whole building.
Tournament type
10 rounds, Swiss system.
Time control
100 minutes for the first 40 moves + 30 minutes for the rest of the game + 30 seconds increment per move.
July 14–19, 2 pm: rd 1–6
July 20: Rest day
July 21–24, 2 pm: rd 7–10
July 24, 15' after the end of the last game: Prize-giving (except for the first three players*)
July 25, 10.30 am: Prize-giving for the first three players
CHF 6'000, 4'500, 3'500, 2'800, 2'300, 1'800, 1'500, 1'400.
Non-cash prize for the best U16, the best player without title (GM/IM/WGM/WIM) and the best Swiss player.
Total prize fund: CHF 23'800 + non-cash prizes.
Prizes are valid with 100 participants or more. With fewer participants, they are reduced pro rata.
Prizes will be awarded according to the final ranking ("Hort System" won’t be applied).
Prizes are non-cumulative.
Eligible for the title as best Swiss player are Swiss citizens and settled foreigners (settlement permit C) with FIDE Federation SUI. | |
In order to receive their prizes, the top three winners are required to stand on the podium during the prize-giving ceremony.
Each day, the best game of the round is rewarded with a non-cash prize. | |
1. Points scored
2. Direct encounter
3. Sonneborn-Berger 4. Buchholz Cut 1 (worst score excluded)
5. Elo average of opponents (FIDE standard)
FIDE rated players (lists May, June or July 2025) with at least 1900 standard FIDE rating.
The admission of a player player is decided solely by the organization. This decision is final.
CHF 250 or € 250 (born 2009+: CHF 150 or € 150), by bank transfer until July 09, 2025, based on the invoice received by e-mail after the online registration. After this date, cash payments are made on site with a surcharge of CHF 20. Deadline: July 14, 12:15 pm.
For GM, IM, WGM and WIM the participation is free of charge. Titled players must also confirm their participation until 12:30 pm at the latest on Monday, July 14.
All participants with "paid" status on the website should confirm their presence at the registration desk until 12:30 pm at the latest on Monday, July 14.
Players who don't confirm their participation on time will not be paired in the 1st round. Only players with confirmed status (marked in green) on the players list will be paired for the 1st round:
Laws of chess
Any player arriving at the board more than 30 minutes after the start of the round will lose by forfeit, except in cases of force majeure.
It is forbidden to enter the playing area with any electronic device such as a mobile phone or a smart watch.
All players must comply with strict anti-cheating measures in accordance with the FIDE rules.
Pairings and results
The starting list is based on the July 2025 FIDE standard rating list.
The pairings for the first round will be published at 1:45 pm. For all subsequent rounds, the pairings will be published online until one hour after the end of the previous round. Pairing of Round 7 will be published at 8 pm in the evening after rest day.
Players may request a maximum of one bye (½ point) until 6th round included. Request for a bye must be made on the previous day before 8 pm by sending an e-mail to the arbiter. | |
Players have to deliver the original copy of the scoresheet and register the result at the arbiter's desk. Otherwise the result of the game will be recorded as 0-0.
In case of disagreement with the arbiter's decision, you can appeal verbally against it with the chief arbiter. This needs to be done immediately.
The decision of the chief arbiter is final.
The tournament will be submitted for the Swiss, German and FIDE standard rating list.
It is possible to achieve a FIDE norm. | |
Tournament’s results are counting for the FIDE Circuit 2025. | |
Declaration of consent
With your participation you give permission for the usage of photos/videos - in which you appear - in any publication.
Main Arbiter
IA Ana Srebrnič
July 15–24, 2025
Concert Hall, Biel Congress Center.
Smoking is strictly prohibited within the whole building.
Tournament type
9 rounds, Swiss system.
Time control
90 minutes for the first 40 moves + 30 minutes for the rest of the game with an addition of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.
July 15–19, 2 pm: rounds 1–5
July 20: Rest day
July 21–24, 2 pm: rounds 6–9
July 24, 15' after the end of the last game: Prize-giving (except for the first three players*)
July 25, 10.30 am: Prize-giving for the first three players
CHF 1'200, 1'000, 800, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200.
Non-cash prize for the best U16.
Total prize fund: CHF 5'000 + non cash prize. |
Prizes are valid with 100 participants or more. With fewer participants, they are reduced pro rata.
Prizes will be awarded according to the final ranking ("Hort System" won’t be applied).
Prizes are non-cumulative. | |
Each day, the best game of the round is rewarded with a non-cash prize. | |
In order to receive their prizes, the top three finishers are required to stand on the podium during the prize-giving.
1. Points scored
2. Direct encounter
3. Sonneborn-Berger 4. Buchholz Cut 1 (worst score excluded)
5. Elo average of opponents (FIDE standard)
Players without standard FIDE rating (but registered by a national federation) or with FIDE standard rating not higher than 2000 Elo in all three rating lists of May, June and July 2025.
Players who like to participate, but don’t have a FIDE ID yet, should contact the corresponding officer of their federation or the tournament arbiter by e-mail, in order to receive the FIDE ID needed for the online registration in time.
The admission of a player is decided solely by the organization. This decision is final.
CHF 180 or € 180 (born 2009+: CHF 100 or € 100), by bank transfer until July 09, 2025, based on the invoice received by e-mail after the online registration. After this date, cash payments are made on site with a surcharge of CHF 20. Deadline: July 15, 12:15 pm.
Team registration of three players will be on site no later than Thursday, July 17, 2 pm. At least three teams must be entered for the competition to take place.
No extra charge in participating at this competition.
The team ranking is calculated as the sum of the achieved scores of the three members of the team. In case of a tie, the team with the lowest Elo average wins. Prize in kind for the best team.
All participants with "paid" status on the website should confirm their presence at the registration desk until 12:30 pm at the latest on Tuesday, July 15.
Players who don't confirm their participation on time will not be paired in the 1st round. Only players with confirmed status (marked in green) on the players list will be paired for the 1st round:
Laws of chess
Any player arriving at the board more than 30 minutes after the start the round will lose by forfeit, except in cases of force majeure.
It is forbidden to enter the playing area with any electronic device such as a mobile phone or a smart watch.
All players must comply with strict anti-cheating measures in accordance with the FIDE rules.
Pairings and results
The starting list is based on the July 2025 FIDE standard rating list.
The pairings for the first round will be published at 1:45 pm. For all subsequent rounds, the pairings will be published online until one hour after the end of the previous round. Pairings of Round 6 will be published at 8 pm in the evening after the rest day.
Players may request a maximum of one bye (½ point) until 5th round included. Request for a bye must be made on the previous day before 8 pm by sending an e-mail to the arbiter. | |
Players have to deliver the original copy of the scoresheet and register the result at the arbiter's desk. Otherwise the result of the game will be recorded as 0-0.
In case of disagreement with the arbiter's decision, you can appeal verbally against it with the chief arbiter. This needs to be done immediately.
The decision of the chief arbiter is final.
The tournament will be submitted for the Swiss, German and FIDE standard rating list.
Declaration of consent
With your participation you give permission for the usage of photos/videos - in which you appear - in any publication.
Main Arbiter
FA Florian Zarri
July 21–25, 2025
Concert Hall, Biel Congress Center.
Smoking is strictly prohibited within the whole building.
Tournament type
5 rounds, Swiss system.
Time control
60 minutes for the game with an addition of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.
Tie-break blitz: 3'+2'' - in case of a tie after the two-games match, an Armageddon 6' against 4' determines the winner of the match.
July 21-25, 10 am: round 1-5
July 25, 2 pm: tie-break matches in case of point equality for ranks 1 to 3.
July 25, 15' after the end of the last game: Prize-giving
CHF 800, 600, 500.
Non-cash prize for the best U16.
Total prize fund: CHF 1'900 + non cash prize. |
Prizes are valid with 50 participants or more. With fewer participants, they are reduced pro rata.
In case of point equality after 5 rounds for the first place, respectively the second and third place, a blitz tournament with direct elimination will be played between concerned players. Involved players must be present on the scheduled time for the start of the tie-break series. Absent players will be disqualified.
Prizes are non-cumulative. | |
In order to receive their prizes, the top three finishers are required to stand on the podium during the prize-giving.
1. Points scored
2. Direct encounter
3. Sonneborn-Berger 4. Buchholz
5. Elo average of opponents (priority: FIDE standard rating, then national rating, otherwise evaluated at 1500 Elo)
Open to all players with no more than 1799 Elo (FIDE standard Elo, unrated players included) on 01.07.2025. |
Players rated 1799- Elo at the time of registration before 01.07.25, and who have 1800+ on this date will be automatically moved into the list of participants for the WT2. | |
Players who like to participate, but don’t have a FIDE ID yet, should contact the corresponding officer of their federation or the tournament arbiter by e-mail, in order to receive the FIDE ID needed for the online registration in time.
The admission of a player is decided solely by the organization. This decision is final.
CHF 100 or € 100 (born 2009+: CHF 50 or € 50), half price for players who also participate in ATO, by bank transfer until July 16, 2025, based on the invoice received by e-mail after the online registration. After this date, cash payments are made on site with a surcharge of CHF 20. Deadline: July 21, 9:15 am.
All participants with "paid" status on the website should confirm their presence at the registration desk until 9:30 am at the latest on Monday, July 21. Players who don't confirm their participation on time will not be paired in the 1st round.
Laws of chess
Any player arriving at the board more than 30 minutes after the start the round will lose by forfeit, except in cases of force majeure.
It is forbidden to enter the playing area with any electronic device such as a mobile phone or a smart watch.
All players must comply with strict anti-cheating measures in accordance with the FIDE rules.
Pairings and results
The start list is based on the July 2025 FIDE standard rating list.
The pairings for the first round will be published at 9:45 am. For all subsequent rounds, the pairings will be published online until one hour after the end of the previous round.
Players have to deliver the original copy of the scoresheet and register the result at the arbiter's desk. Otherwise the result of the game will be recorded as 0-0.
In case of disagreement with the arbiter's decision, you can appeal verbally against it with the chief arbiter. This needs to be done immediately.
The decision of the chief arbiter is final.
The tournament will be submitted for the Swiss and FIDE standard rating list.
Declaration of consent
With your participation you give permission for the usage of photos/videos - in which you appear - in any publication.
Main Arbiter
FA Florian Zarri
July 21–25, 2025
Concert Hall, Biel Congress Center.
Smoking is strictly prohibited within the whole building.
Tournament type
5 rounds, Swiss system.
Time control
60 minutes for the game with an addition of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.
Tie-break blitz: 3'+2'' - in case of a tie after the two-games match, an Armageddon 6' against 4' determines the winner of the match.
July 21-25, 10 am: round 1-5
July 25, 2 pm: tie-break matches in case of point equality for ranks 1 to 3.
July 25, 15' after the end of the last game: Prize-giving
CHF 800, 600, 500.
Non-cash prize for the best U16.
Total prize fund: CHF 1'900 + non cash prize. |
Prizes are valid with 50 participants or more. With fewer participants, they are reduced pro rata.
In case of point equality after 5 rounds for the first place, respectively the second and third place, a blitz tournament with direct elimination will be played between concerned players. Involved players must be present on the scheduled time for the start of the tie-break series. Absent players will be disqualified.
Prizes are non-cumulative. | |
In order to receive their prizes, the top three finishers are required to stand on the podium during the prize-giving.
1. Points scored
2. Direct encounter
3. Sonneborn-Berger 4. Buchholz
5. Elo average of opponents (priority: FIDE standard rating, then national rating)
Open to all players with at least 1800 Elo (FIDE standard list) on 01.07.2025. |
Players rated 1800+ Elo at the time of registration before 01.07.25, and who have 1799- on this date will be automatically moved into the list of participants for the WT1. | |
The admission of a player is decided solely by the organization. This decision is final.
CHF 100 or € 100 (born 2009+: CHF 50 or € 50), half price for players who also participate to ATO or MTO, by bank transfer until July 16, 2025, based on the invoice received by e-mail after the online registration. After this date, cash payments are made on site with a surcharge of CHF 20. Deadline: July 21, 09:15 am.
GM, IM, WGM, WIM pay CHF 50 or € 50 (half if they play MTO) by bank transfer until July 01, 2025. After this date, the same registration fee as for other players applies. | |
All participants with "paid" status on the website should confirm their presence at the registration desk until 9:30 am at the latest on Monday, July 21. Players who don't confirm their participation on time will not be paired in the 1st round.
Laws of chess
Any player arriving at the board more than 30 minutes after the start the round will lose by forfeit, except in cases of force majeure.
It is forbidden to enter the playing area with any electronic device such as a mobile phone or a smart watch.
All players must comply with strict anti-cheating measures in accordance with the FIDE rules.
Pairings and results
The start list is based on the July 2025 FIDE standard rating list.
The pairings for the first round will be published at 09:45 am. For all subsequent rounds, the pairings will be published online until one hour after the end of the previous round.
Players have to register the result at the arbiter's desk. Otherwise the result of the game will be recorded as 0-0.
In case of disagreement with the arbiter's decision, you can appeal verbally against it with the chief arbiter. This needs to be done immediately.
The decision of the chief arbiter is final.
The tournament will be submitted for the Swiss and FIDE standard rating list.
Declaration of consent
With your participation you give permission for the usage of photos/videos - in which you appear - in any publication.
Main arbiter
FA Florian Zarri
July 14 - 20, 2025
Venue |
Concert Hall, Biel Congress Center.
Smoking is strictly prohibited within the whole building.
Tournament type |
7 rounds, Swiss system.
Time control |
60 minutes for the game with an addition of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.
Schedule |
10 am
Prize-giving: 15' after the end of the last game in the playing hall
CHF 800, 600, 500.
Non-cash prize for the best U16.
Total prize fund: CHF 1'900 + non cash prize. |
Prizes are valid with 50 participants or more. With fewer participants, they are reduced pro rata.
Prizes are non-cumulative. | |
In order to receive their prizes, the top three finishers are required to stand on the podium during the prize-giving.
1. Points scored
2. Direct encounter
3. Sonneborn-Berger
4. Buchholz
5. Elo average of opponents (priority: FIDE standard rating, then national rating, otherwise evaluated at 1500 Elo)
Open to all players.
The admission of a player is decided solely by the organization. This decision is final.
Registration |
CHF 140 or € 140 (born 2009+: CHF 70 or € 70), half price for players who also participate to ATO or MTO, by bank transfer until July 09, 2025, based on the invoice received by e-mail after the online registration. After this date, cash payments are made on site with a surcharge of CHF 20. Deadline: July 14, 09:15 am.
GM, IM, WGM, WIM pay CHF 70 or € 70 (half if they play MTO) by bank transfer until July 01, 2025. After this date, the same registration fee as for other players applies. | |
Check-in |
All participants with "paid" status on the website should confirm their presence at the registration desk until 9:30 am at the latest on Monday, July 14. Players who don't confirm their participation on time will not be paired in the 1st round.
Laws of chess | Any player arriving at the board more than 30 minutes after the start of the round will lose by forfeit, except in cases of force majeure. |
It is forbidden to enter the playing area with any electronic device such as a mobile phone or a smart watch. | |
All players must comply with strict anti-cheating measures in accordance with the FIDE rules.
The start list is based on the July 2025 FIDE standard rating list. | |
Pairings and results |
The pairings for the first round will be published at 9:45 am. For all subsequent rounds, the pairings will be published online until one hour after the end of the previous round. The initial position will be announced 5 minutes before the start of the round. Players will be asked to set up their board in accordance.
Players have to deliver the original copy of the scoresheet and register the result at the arbiter's desk. Otherwise the result of the game will be recorded as 0-0.
In case of disagreement with the arbiter's decision, you can appeal verbally against it with the chief arbiter. This needs to be done immediately.
The decision of the chief arbiter is final.
Declaration of consent
With your participation you give permission for the usage of photos/videos - in which you appear - in any publication.
Main Arbiter
IA Laurent Freyd |
July 12, 2025
Concert Hall, Biel Congress Center.
Smoking is strictly prohibited within the whole building.
Tournament type
7 rounds, Swiss system.
Chess960: The starting position will be drawn before each round.
Time control
15 minutes + 5 seconds increment per move.
2 pm
Prize-giving: 15' after the end of the last game in the playing hall
CHF 250, 150, 100.
Cup for the best Swiss player.
Total prize fund: CHF 500. |
Prizes will be allocated according to the final ranking ("Hort System" won’t be applied).
Eligible for the title of the best Swiss player are Swiss citizens as well as settled foreigners (settlement permit C) with FIDE Federation SUI. | |
In order to receive their prizes, the top three winners are required to stand on the podium during the prize-giving.
1. Points scored
2. Direct encounter
3. Sonneborn-Berger 4. Buchholz
Open to every player, included those not registered in a federation. The later use FIDE code 1234567 in the registration form.
The admission of a player is decided solely by the organization. This decision is final.
CHF 20 or € 20 (born 2009+ and GM/IM/WGM/WIM: CHF 10 or € 10), by bank transfer until July 09, 2025, based on the invoice received by e-mail during the online registration. After this date, cash payment on site with a surcharge of CHF 20. Deadline: July 12, 1 pm.
No surcharge for GM/IM/WGM/WIM.
All participants with "paid" status on the website should confirm their presence at the registration desk until 1:30 pm at the latest on Saturday, July 12. Players who don't confirm their participation on time will not be paired in the 1st round.
Laws of chess
Any player arriving at the board more than 15 minutes after the start the round will lose by forfeit, except in cases of force majeure.
It is forbidden to enter the playing area with any electronic device such as a mobile phone or a smart watch.
All players must comply with strict anti-cheating measures in accordance with the FIDE rules.
Pairings and results
The start list is based in priority on the July 2025 FIDE rapid rating list, then on FIDE standard rating, then on national rapid list, then on national standard list. Unrated players are listed in alphabetical order at the end of the start list.
Players have to enter the result at the arbiter's desk. Otherwise the result of the game will be counted as 0-0.
An arbiter's decision may be appealed orally to the main arbiter immediately in case of disagreement. The decision of the main arbiter is final.
Declaration of consent
With your participation you give permission for the usage of photos/videos - in which you appear - in any publication.
Main Arbiter
IA Laurent Freyd
July 13, 2025
Concert Hall, Biel Congress Center.
Smoking is strictly prohibited within the whole building.
Tournament type
9 rounds, Swiss system.
Time control
15 minutes + 5 seconds increment per move.
Start round 1: 10:45 am
Lunch break after round 3
Start round 4: 2 pm Prize-giving: 15' after the end of the last game of round 9
CHF 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100.
Non-cash prize for the best player without title (GM/IM/WGM/WIM), the best Swiss player, the best U16 and the best player <2000 Elo.
Total prize fund: CHF 3'600 + non-cash prizes. |
Prizes are valid with 120 participants or more. With fewer participants, they are reduced pro rata.
Prizes will be awarded according to the final ranking ("Hort System" won’t be applied).
Prizes are non-cumulative.
Eligible for the title of the best Swiss player are Swiss citizens and settled foreigners (settlement permit C) with FIDE Federation SUI. | |
In order to receive their prizes, the top three winners are required to stand on the podium during the prize-giving.
1. Points scored
2. Direct encounter
3. Sonneborn-Berger 4. Buchholz Cut 1 (worst score excluded)
Open to all. Players who like to participate, but don’t have a FIDE ID yet, should contact the corresponding officer of their federation or the tournament arbiter by e-mail, in order to receive the FIDE ID needed for the online registration in time.
The admission of a player is decided solely by the organization. This decision is final.
CHF 50 or € 50 (born 2009+ and GM/IM/WGM/WIM: CHF 20 or € 20), by bank transfer until July 09, 2025, based on the invoice received by e-mail after the online registration. After this date, cash payments are made on site with a surcharge of CHF 20. Deadline: July 13, 10:00 am.
No surcharge for GM/IM/WGM/WIM.
All participants with "paid" status on the website should confirm their presence at the registration desk until 10:15 am at the latest on July 13. Players who don't confirm their participation on time will not be paired in the 1st round. |
Laws of chess
Any player arriving at the board more than 15 minutes after the start of the round will lose by forfeit, except in cases of force majeure.
It is forbidden to enter the playing area with any electronic device such as a mobile phone or a smart watch.
All players must comply with strict anti-cheating measures in accordance with the FIDE rules.
Pairings and results
The start list is based in priority on the July 2025 FIDE rapid rating list, then on FIDE standard rating, then on national rapid list, then on national standard list. Unrated players are listed in alphabetical order at the end of the start list.
Players have to register the result at the arbiter's desk. Otherwise the result of the game will be recorded as 0-0.
An arbiter's decision may be appealed orally to the main arbiter immediately in case of disagreement. The decision of the main arbiter is final.
The tournament will be submitted for the FIDE rapid rating.
Declaration of consent
With your participation you give permission for the usage of photos/videos - in which you appear - in any publication.
Main Arbiter
IA Laurent Freyd |
July 20, 2025
Concert Hall, Biel Congress Center.
Smoking is strictly prohibited within the whole building.
Tournament type
13 rounds, Swiss system
Time control
3 minutes + 2 seconds increment per move
Start round 1: 2 pm
Two short breaks planned (after round 5 and 10)
Prize giving: 15' after the end of the last game of round 13. |
CHF 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100.
Non-cash prize for the best player without title (GM/IM/WGM/WIM), the best Swiss player, the best U16 and the best player <2000 Elo.
Total prize fund: CHF 3'600 + non-cash prizes.
Prizes are valid with 120 participants or more. With fewer participants, they are reduced pro rata.
Prizes will be awarded according to the final ranking ("Hort System" won’t be applied).
Prizes are non-cumulative.
Eligible for the title as best Swiss player are Swiss citizens and settled foreigners (settlement permit C) with FIDE Federation SUI. | |
In order to receive their prizes, the top three winners are required to stand on the podium during the prize-giving.
1. Points scored
2. Direct encounter
3. Sonneborn-Berger 4. Buchholz Cut 1 (worst score excluded)
Open to all. Players who like to participate, but don’t have a FIDE ID yet, should contact the corresponding officer of their federation or the tournament arbiter by e-mail, in order to receive the FIDE code needed for the online registration in time.
The admission of a player is decided solely by the organization. This decision is final.
CHF 50 or € 50 (born 2009+ and GM/IM/WGM/WIM: CHF 20 or € 20), by bank transfer until July 16, 2025, based on the invoice received by e-mail after the online registration. After this date, cash payments are made on site with a surcharge of CHF 20. Deadline: July 20, 1 pm.
No surcharge for GM/IM/WGM/WIM.
All participants with "paid" status on the website should confirm their presence at the registration desk until 1:15 pm at the latest on July 20. Players who don't confirm their participation on time will not be paired in the 1st round. |
Laws of chess
Any player arriving at the board more than 3 minutes after the start of the round will lose by forfeit, except in cases of force majeure.
It is forbidden to enter the playing area with any electronic device such as a mobile phone or a smart watch.
All players must comply with strict anti-cheating measures in accordance with the FIDE rules.
Pairings and results
The start list is based in priority on the July 2025 FIDE blitz rating list, then on FIDE standard rating, then on national rapid rating list, then on national standard rating. Unrated players are listed in alphabetical order at the end of the start list.
Players have to register the result at the arbiter's desk. Otherwise the result of the game will be recorded as 0-0.
In case of disagreement with the arbiter's decision, you can appeal verbally against it with the chief arbiter. This needs to be done immediately.
The decision of the chief arbiter is final.
The tournament will be submitted for the FIDE blitz rating.
Declaration of consent
With your participation you give permission for the usage of photos/videos - in which you appear - in any publication.
Main Arbiter
FA Florian Zarri |
July 12, 2025
Concert Hall, Biel Congress Center.
Smoking is strictly prohibited within the whole building.
Tournament type
7 rounds, Swiss system.
Time control
15 minutes + 5 seconds increment per move.
2 pm
Prize-giving: 15' after the end of last game.
Prize in kind for all participants with 4½ points or more. |
1. Points scored
2. Buchholz
3. Sum of Buchholz
For physicians and health professionals only.
The admission of a player is decided solely by the organization. This decision is final.
CHF 50 or € 50 by bank transfer until July 09, 2025, based on the invoice received by e-mail during the online registration. After this date, cash payment on site, deadline: July 12, 1:30 pm.
Participants without FIDE-ID use the code 1234567 in the registration form. | |
All participants with "paid" status on the website should confirm their presence at the registration desk until 1:45 pm at the latest on July 12. Players who don't confirm their participation on time will not be paired in the 1st round.
Laws of chess
Any player arriving at the board more than 15 minutes after the start the round will lose by forfeit, unless the arbiter decides otherwise (case of force majeure).
It is forbidden to enter the playing area with any electronic device such as a mobile phone or a smart watch.
All players must comply with strict anti-cheating measures in accordance with the FIDE rules.
Pairings and results
The starting list is based on the July 2025 FIDE rapid rating list, when this is not available on the July 2025 FIDE standard rating list. If only national rating are available, the rapid rating will be considered first, then the standard. Players without such a rating will be alphabetically classified at the bottom of the starting list .
Players have to enter the result at the arbiter's desk. Otherwise the result of the game will be counted as 0-0.
Declaration of consent
With your participation you give permission for the usage of photos/videos - in which you appear - in any publication.
Tournament direction
July 20, 2025
Vereinssaal, Kongresshaus, Zentralstr. 60, 2502 Biel. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the entire building.
Tournament type
4 problems to solve as fast as possible (max. 75 minutes).
Schedule |
Registration closes: 11:45 am
Solving contest: noon - 1:15 pm
Prize-giving: 1:30 pm
1st prize: CHF 100 + (artistic) chess books, gifted by tournament's direction. |
1. Points (max. 5 points by problem)
2. Time spent
Eligibilty | Open to all (excepted members of Kunstschachfreunde) |
Free registration, by sending the solution to the problem below to the Tournament's direction before start of the tournament.
Otherwise: CHF 10 payable on site or by bank transfer until 16 July 2025, based on the invoice received by e-mail during the online registration.
Participants without FIDE-ID use the code 1234567 in the registration form. | |
Miscellaneous |
This tournament doesn't count for any rating list.
All electronic devices of players and spectators must be switched off, with the exception of cameras and video recorders. | |
Declaration of consent
With your participation, you give permission for the usage of photos/videos - in which you appear - in any publication.
Main Arbiter
IA Jonas Studer
July 19, 2025
Vereinssaal, Biel Congress Center
Smoking is strictly prohibited in the entire building.
Tournament type
7 rounds, Swiss system
Time control
10 minutes + 10 seconds increment per move
Rounds 1–3: 11:00 am – 1:15 pm
Lunch buffet open as of 12:30 pm Rounds 4–7: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Prize-giving: 15 minutes after the end of the last game |
Prizes in kind for every player. Cup for the winners.
1. Number of points scored
2. Buchholz
3. Sum of Buchholz
Open to every young player born 2007 or later, rated or unrated.
Age groups
Players with an Elo rating: born 2007 or later
Unrated players - U11: born 2014 or later
Unrated players - U18: born 2007-2013
Last minute adjustments are possible in order to have an equivalent number of participants in each category | |
Tournament for accompanying persons in the afternoon. Registration on site. | |
Free of charge, lunch meal included!
In case of need, the accompanying persons are requested to order per mail until July 16, 2025 their vouchers for meal (CHF 20 each, to be payed cash on-site).
Online registration until July 18, 2025. Participants without FIDE-ID use the code 1234567 in the registration form. | |
All participants must confirm their presence at the registration desk on Saturday, July 19, 2025, from 9 am to no later than 10 am. Players who don't confirm their participation on time will not be paired in the 1st round.
Laws of chess
Illegal moves don't lose the game, but the rule "touched piece, played piece" is applied.
The tournament won’t be rated.
Electronic devices of players, accompanying persons and spectators must be switched off in the tournament hall except for cameras and video recorders.
Declaration of consent
With your participation you give permission for the usage of photos/videos - in which you appear - in any publication.
Main Arbiter
IA Ana Srebrnič |
July 11, 2025; 6 pm
Venue | Congress Center, Zentralstr. 60, 2502 Biel/Bienne |
Tournament type
German GM Frederik Svane faces up to twenty opponents simultaneously!
Open to everybody.
CHF 30 (2009+: CHF 10), by bank transfer until July 09, 2025, based on the invoice received by e-mail after the online registration.
Participants without FIDE-ID use the code 1234567 in the registration form. | |
Declaration of consent
With your participation you give permission for the usage of photos/videos - in which you appear - in any publication.
© Copyright 2025 - Biel International Chess Festival