Check-in ATO

Status unpaid: Please pay your fee at the registration desk before 1:00 pm

Status paid:  Confirm their presence at the registration desk until 1:30 pm at the latest on Monday, July 15.

Players who don't confirm their participation on time will not be paired in the 1st round.


Support Us

Make a donation! Your support is vital for the future of the Biel International Chess Festival. Without the help of our sponsors and many generous individuals, it wouldn't be possible to organise such an event. Thank you!

Bank: Berner Kantonalbank AG, CH-3001 Bern
In favour of:
Biel-Bienne CHESS, CH-2500 Biel/Bienne
IBAN: CH34 0079 0042 9774 1734 1

Deposit slip: Donation_Spende_Don.pdf

For further information please contact us.


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